How Bing's Speech in "Fifteen Million Merits" Reflects Our Media
In Fifteen Million Merits , Bing criticizes society and the media - he points out that because of our technology, people no longer have the capacity to take in real, raw talent and personality. Instead of appreciating something genuine, society and the media are fixated on how marketable someone is instead of their actual potential. Our media gains viewers because people making fools of themselves on live television is hilarious to us. We're consumed by our social media profiles and online image. I agree with Bing's point of view - this episode of Black Mirror is relatable to our society today because our media also lacks authenticity. One of Bing's important points is, "The faker the fodder is, the more you love it, because fake fodder's the only thing that works anymore." This is relatable to us because our media is completely obsessed with insignificant things - most of our news outlets are filled with which celebrity wore what and when, and who...