Mini-Review #1: Detroit: Become Human
I loved that we got to play Detroit: Become Human in class - I'm super into story-based games like this, and don't get to play them often because I haven't got a PS4. Some of my favorite games are a lot like Detroit (The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavy Rain); they're all sort of cinematically influenced. The visuals are absolutely stunning - I like games that aren't as realistic, too, but the graphics in Detroit are next level.
However, the thing I loved most about Detroit: Become Human wasn't the striking graphics but how much your choices matter in the storyline. I've never played a game with as varying outcomes as Detroit - unlike Telltale's Walking Dead games, where your decisions have no effect on the ultimate outcome, Detroit makes you choose between difficult decisions, and if you make one with a bad outcome, it makes you feel guilt. A few decisions can have an impact on the whole atmosphere of the storyline, and the three main characters can even permanently die, affecting your whole playthrough of the game.
One thing I didn't like about playing this game in class was having to share the decision-making with the class - there were some disagreements between people. Some people would want to make the good decisions to try and keep every character alive and get the good ending, while others wanted to see what would happen if they made the more self-destructive choices. While both paths are valid ways to play choice-based games, it was difficult to try and cooperate.
Below, I've included Quantic Dream's short "Kara", where Detroit: Become: Human originated. This video, when I first saw it, got me excited for a new generation of video games and animation.
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